AI and holography bring 3D augmented reality to regular glasses

Through holography and AI, these glasses can display full-color, 3D moving images over an otherwise direct view of the real world. Credit: Andrew Brodhead Researchers in the emerging field of spatial computing have developed a prototype augmented reality headset that uses holographic imaging to overlay full-color, 3D moving images on the lenses of what would […]

Refined AI approach improves noninvasive brain-computer interface performance

Achieving a noteworthy milestone to advance noninvasive brain-controlled interfaces, researchers used AI technology to improve the decoding of human intention and control a continuously moving virtual object all by thinking about it, with unmatched performance. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University Pursuing a viable alternative to invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) has been a continued research focus of […]

Machine learning and extended reality used to train welders

The researchers modified the welding helmet by fixing it to the Meta Quest Pro XR headset and interfaced the Seeed ESP32S3 board to a Unity software program running the XR display, using the Quest Pro’s USB-C port and the Serial Port Utility Pro plugin. The adjustable Quest head strap and connected battery replace the traditional […]

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