Scientists convert chicken fat into energy storage devices

Graphical abstract. Credit: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c02753 The global move toward more sustainable, green energy has increased power reserves and the demand for energy storage devices. Unfortunately, some materials for these devices can be expensive and environmentally problematic. Producing alternative energy storage devices from things that are usually thrown away could […]

Methane emissions from landfill could be turned into sustainable jet fuel with plasma-driven process

Graphical abstract. Credit: Journal of the American Chemical Society (2024). DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c01641 In a world first, University of Sydney researchers have developed a chemical process using plasma that could create sustainable jet fuel from methane gas emitted from landfills, potentially creating a low-carbon aviation industry. Methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon […]

New insights lead to better next-gen solar cells

Schematic comparing the “traditional” deposition and passivation processes (top row) and the integrated deposition and passivation strategy to form 2D passivated 3D halide perovskite films (bottom row). a) With the traditional procedure, the 3D perovskite is first deposited using antisolvent-assisted spin coating and subsequent annealing. Then, in a second step, the completed perovskite film is […]

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