Customer data from crypto-friendly Evolve Bank leaked by Lockbit

Crypto ransomware group Lockbit leaked 33 terabytes of Evolve Bank and Trust data yesterday despite initially threatening to release data from the Federal Reserve ‘containing Americans’ banking secrets.’

As part of the leak, Lockbit shared a link to a press release detailing the Federal Reserve’s enforcement action against Evolve Bank. Evolve Bank and Trust agreed to a cease-and-desist order in June after the Federal Reserve “found that Evolve engaged in unsafe and unsound banking practices,” in relation to its fintech partnerships.

Lockbit is also reported to have leaked parent directories, torrents, and compressed archive files from Evolve Bank and Trust.

According to Fintech Business Weekly reporter Jason Mikula, industry sources say the situation is “as bad as it gets,” as documents containing “end user PII, including SSNs, card PANs, wires, and settlement files,” have been leaked.

Lockbit gave until Tuesday, 20:27 UTC to pay the ransom. This was seemingly not paid.

LockBit listed the ransom demand for an undisclosed sum on Sunday where it claimed negotiations had failed. It said, “You better hire another negotiator within 48 hours, and fire this clinical idiot who values Americans’ bank secrecy at $50,000.”

Evolve told its clients in an email, “We acknowledge these reports and are actively investigating the situation.”

“The Evolve team, in collaboration with law enforcement and government agencies, is monitoring and addressing this matter with the utmost diligence and transparency,” it added.

Read more: Federal Reserve issues enforcement action against Evolve Bank

Evolve Bank and Trust facilitated customer accounts for the fintech middleman firm Synpase which declared bankruptcy in April.

Following Synapse’s collapse there’s a reported disappearance of $109 million in customer deposits that was held by several banks, including Evolve, for fintech firm Yotta.

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