BREAKING: Binance Announces It Will List A New Altcoin On Its Futures Platform

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, announced that it will list Lista (LISTA) on its futures trading platform.

Lista was recently airdropped to users with Binance’s new work, Megadrop, and started trading in the spot market. According to the official statement, the cryptocurrency exchange will start listing Lista in futures transactions today at 15:30 Turkey time (UTC+3).

Airdrops from Megadrop are distributed through a points-based mechanism. So, users accumulate points through their locked BNB and completed Web3 Tasks. Additionally, locked BNB Points depend on the locked BNB amount and subscription duration, with longer commitments bringing higher points.

Additionally, completing all designated Web3 Challenges also awards a Web3 Challenge Bonus and a multiplier to increase your total score.

*This is not investment advice.

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