Bitcoin (BTC) Price is Surging Again! Here’s the Data and the Legendary Analyst’s Next Prediction

According to the data, Bitcoin (BTC) made a sudden rise in the last minutes and increased its price from $ 65,600 to $ 66,400 at the time of writing.

Cryptocurrency analyst il Capo argued in his statement that the $65,500 level he had previously mentioned has been decisively exceeded and the next step is now $67,000. Despite his previous bearish stance, il Capo thinks the bull is not over for Bitcoin this cycle.

Graph showing the rise in BTC price.

With the effect of the rise, there was a total liquidation of 17 million dollars in the cryptocurrency market. Almost all of these were observed in short positions.

On the altcoin side, increases at similar rates to the rise in Bitcoin were observed.

*This is not investment advice.

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